battle of lore [g]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Olivia Abbiati
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2019 18:44:38 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

olivia waited in one of the larger rooms of the ruins, a hooded cloak of sparkling sapphire draped over her off white tunic and a matching skirt that fell just above her knees. simple sandals with silver ribbon kept them bound to her feet and off the wet sandy floor. this room was in particular, well, ruined. it had once been a lavish atrium, the center spire with a domed top said to have reached the heavens; now, though, it was a large ballroom with a tall open ceiling and a broken marble floor. a small pool of water had gathered in the center and sprouts of green wisp even littered the edges. this was where she would have battles, her first battle.

the first battle. it was to be with the dragon master and gym leader himself, . nerves wouldn't be the correct term to describe how she felt. giddy, perhaps? olivia knew only the most basics of dragon lore and she craved their secrets. rumors told of men capable of speaking some arcane dragon tongue or perhaps having a deeper connection with the mythical pokemon. regardless of how the battle went, she would win. knowledge was power, after all, and olivia intended to amass it.

once arrived at the gym of ruin he would be led by a crown member to the battlefield. "Greetings, Mateo, and welcome to the Gym of Ruin as some of the locals have come to call it." Olivia began. "Before we begin, do you understand the conditions of the battle? Five pokemon, with particular roles for each, and of course; a meal afterward so we may discuss your wealth of knowledge."

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mateo martinez
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POSTED ON Jun 18, 2019 22:14:43 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]"yo, queen abbiati!" he called her ecstatically. chuckling at the formality, it was odd to address someone as such but it wasn't uncommon. there was always at least one person who thought of themselves as an hbic of the region. it reminded him of someone back home.

he entered the openly ruined stage that shone brightly. it was a sunny day out as mateo took in the scattered lighting that peeked through the ruined ceiling. it felt nice, a calm breeze bypassing him. his skin undergoing a warm feeling as the sun touched him. he was revved up, ready, and prepared.

"yosh!" he exclaimed, pounding the right hand of his fist into his left palm. she then asked if he were aware of the rules, explaining them briefly. "ah, right! it's a five-on-five!" that's what he liked to hear. this place had already been torn asunder and with mateo in it? requesting a five-on-five was a bit dangerous. luckily none of the pokemon he was planning to choose knew the ability draco meteor. that would've ended within a horrible disaster, one he wouldn't be able to come back from.

he already blew up a mall in one battle and barely escaped. he didn't need to be charged with the allegation of destructive property and historical damage(?), that would've been bad. so he was going to have to keep his dragon energy to a minimum. "okay! that's good, it's been sometime since these two fought together. hopefully they don't overdo it, haha!" and without notice he'd reach into the pocket of his trench coat.

three pokeball in-between one hand, two in the other.

he'd toss out his team. emerging upon the field were five pokemon--his militia. lined up, he'd say, "as much as i wish to use all 5 dragons. half of them aren't exactly ready for a teamwork this large. plus, there was likely to be a high chance of destruction and chaos with those five altogether." he didn't even want to think about what would happen if he had five dragon-type pokemon on this field. it was a scary thought.

"plus, we get to use this as training time. a dragon master knows when he has to branch out, plus these 3," arcanine, jolteon, and alakazam, "are going to help me fight against the greatest dragon of them all. they'll need to learn how to act as support for sceptile and dragonite when that time comes." he wholeheartedly laughed. the thought of fighting the legendary dragon his father told him stories of. it was all too exciting and olivia was an obstacle in his way that he needed to overcome--together with his partners, and best friends, sceptile and dragonite.

"so how does this work? is this like some sort of chess game or something or is it just a battle royale?" hopefully the latter. he was just itching for a wild battle. this was kinda like a video game he once played called starting fantasy. he wondered if this was based off of some sort of rpg game.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2019 18:40:52 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar


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'queen.' once again, she was heralded from times of yore. it is of little annoyance, but she offers mateo a simple smile as he rambles - although the mention of 'the greatest dragon of all time' did catch her attention. olivia took a mental note to ask him of said dragon once their battle was over. once he asked his final question she answered. "you are in the gym of lore, young mateo, and i am sorry to disappoint; but this will not be a battle of brute strength and wild acts."

she pulled the sapphire hood down to reveal her platinum hair done up in a messy bun, bangs of loose moonlight covering her forehead. on her belt, she pressed one button to release all five of her pokemon. "as you know, the king and queen may be any male or female pokemon." olivia began, motioning to her mamoswine and vaporeon who were lined up before her. "the king may only travel where the queen moves, but is free to make one action. the queen is free to travel so long as the scout or knight is in front or flanking herself and may also make one action." at that, she motioned to the caravanha and added, "the scout - who is quick or stealthy - is free to move anywhere on the battlefield and may make two actions." with her other hand, olivia motioned to the omanyte, "the knight must always be adjacent to the king or queen, but is free to make two actions." finally, she gave a quick pat on the head to her marill and said, "the ally is free to move anywhere on the field and make one action, but should any damage come to the king or queen, they must return to the pair and remain with them for one round."

"and those are the rules of the crown." olivia said simply. her pokemon were lined up in a horizontal line before she snapped her fingers. her mamoswine moved to the side of her vaporeon, the omanyte and marill stood in front of them, and finally the carvanha was swimming in the pool of water in the center. she offered him a warm smile and announced, "may the first of many battles begin, mateo of blackthorn. you may make the first move."

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mateo martinez
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2019 19:16:18 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]nodding in unison as she spoke. he listened, nodded, listened, nodded, listened and nodded. upon absorbing so much information, there was one thing the sootopolis gym leader did not factor...

"i refuse!" mateo's intelligence. mateo shouted, a serious expression given.

the fact that she expected the dragon master to absorb, process, and regurgitate so much info all in one sitting was truly admirable. in fact, it was kind of her. but there was no way he'd understand that all in one go. raising his hand, he'd ask, "please explain in simpler terms!" his pokemon would look back at their trainer. also confused by the information that was taken in, as well as being unsure as to how ths was going to exactly.

the only person who probably understand what olivia said was, out of the six of them, alakazam. who merely acted as if he didn't understand just to fit in. this was going to be quite the long haul.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
mateo didn't get it.

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sea witch
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2019 20:33:16 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
  +4 SPD, -1 DEF, -1 SP DEF, -1 DEF, +2 ATK, +2 SP ATK
+1 SPD


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

he refused. now that was a surprise. "very well, as you have refused your first turn in battle, i will show you." olivia said, her voice soothing like that of an educator. "dance and prance." olivia commanded, her voice taking on that of a leader once more. immediately, her marill's buoyant tail began to wiggle to and fro as she rolled over towards the pool of water, and suddenly a downpour of rain descended upon the field. from the shallow water, her carvanha jetted out of the pool and came hurtling towards mateo's arcanine. with its speedboost in effect, it ricochet off the fire dog and attempted to deliver a devastating crunch to the alakazam. "so as you've seen, marill the ally made one action, rain dance, while my scout - carvanha - delivered two actions. actions, as in, attacks or moves your pokemon may know."

olivia continued her assault. "now, with my scout out well ahead, the queen, king, and knight may act." she explained, motioning for her pokemon to go forth. one word barked through her pearly white teeth, "smash." her omanyte obeyed. the rain had made the pokemon swift, and after smashing its shell, it was unnaturally quick. in a blur, its tentacles flurried and the cracked cobble of the ruins spiked forth at an alarming speed aiming for the big orange dragon. "and so, my knight has made his move and so the queen and king act." her vaporeon, and the mamoswine then followed, stopped at the edge of the pool behind the marill and omanyte. "freeze." olivia ordered once more in her commanding voice, that of a queen.

the mamoswine lifted its mighty trunk and a blizzard shook the ruins themselves, the storm of sleet being directed at the dragon and electric pokemon respectively. her vaporeon, on the other hand, let loose an aurora beam at the fully evolved grass starter of hoenn. "and so all my pokemon have made their moves. there is no particular order in which one must use their pokemon, but think wisely. the queen may move freely so long as the scout or knight is ahead of her, the king must follow the queen, the knight must be adjacent to the king or queen by the end of the turn, and the ally is free to act unless the queen or king is injured; in which they must hurry to their aide for the rest of the round."

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
+ Marill used Rain Dance! (all water type moves are 50% stronger, 1/5 rounds)
+ Carvanha Speed Boost is in effect! (+1 spd)
+ Carvanha used Aqua Jet! (priority +1, 50% stronger rain dance, STAB 50% stronger)
+ Carvanha used Crunch! (STAB 50% stronger, 20% chance to -1 def of alakazam)
+ Crunch roll, if 20 or under, it sucesseds in -1 def to alakazam! LPIOKcvk
+ Omanyte's Swft Swim is activated due to rain! (x2 spd)
+ Omanyte used Shell Smash! (-1 def, -1 sp. def, +4 spd(x2 due to swift swim), +2 atk, +2 sp. atk)
+ Omanyte used Rock Slide! (STAB 50% stronger, 30% chance to flinch dragonite)
+ Rock Slide roll, if 30 or under, it sucesseds in flinching dragonite!
+ Mamoswine used Blizzard! (STAB 50% stronger, 10% chance to freeze dragonite/jolteon, 70% accuracy)
+ Blizzard roll, if 70 or under attack hits, second roll if 10 or under sucesseds in freezing dragonite/jolteon)
+ Vaporeon used Aurora Beam! (10% chance to -1 atk of sceptile)
+ Aurora Beam roll, if 10 or under, it sucesseds in -1 atk of sceptile)

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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2019 22:57:16 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]"hey!" mateo exclaimed.

DETECTing, sceptile made his move. with a speedy, ninja-like reflex, QUICK ATTACK would come to intercept the carvanha's want to assault the alakazam. grabbing the carvanha by its tail at the last second and tossing it toward the direction of the incoming, and precised, AURORA BEAM that was being directed toward sceptile. jolteon, with QUICK ATTACK, moved in. intercepting the omanyte and utilizing DOUBLE KICK in order to kick dragonite out of the way. causing the dragon to stumble off to the side and jolteon pouncing off to land back within its position.

"nice defense!" if there's one thing mateo could rely, for this was something he strictly instilled into his pokemon, was that they have one another's back. he didn't do all of this training within mt. pyre for them not to be able to fend for themselves in unexpected situations. what the hell was wrong with her? this was a battle, but this was no way to teach the challenger. a snarling look had been thrown the ice queen's way. the dragon's been through some complex gyms, but this was one of the worse ones to date. what the hell was with everyone in hoenn? this place had some strange characters.

and so, then, came a blizzard. taking the lead, dragonite would use SAFEGUARD. coating the entire team within a cloak of aura, portecting them from the temporary blizzard. "you know, i see why they nicknamed you 'queen'. you seriously know how to piss off the common folk." what a cheap trick. attacking when he didn't even get the rules. alakazam TAUNTed the entirety of her team upon pulling a bunch of goofy faces toward them, with the taunt there was no way in hell they'd wanna listen to their trainer once becoming instill with rage.

they were now subjected to utilizing only offensive moves. along with no intent to listen to their 'queen' for the time being. their unified militia would be in a frenzy.

all the while, arcanine would pat jolteon on the head. praising the electric-type for its speedy movement, arcanine's paw would enact HELPING HAND. increasing the jolteon's abilities due to appraisal. "i don't really get it all too well, and i think i may know who is what. we might end up messing up even, but one thing's for sure. catching someone off their guard is a move made for punk's, i'm about to dethrone you 'queen'." mateo, grinning, spoke with a hint of irritation.

the rain continued to pour down from above. arcanine wasn't too happy about this, but he'd have to deal with it. but he wanted to get out of this place as fast as possible.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
- sceptile used detect, following up with quick attack to catch the carvanha by its tail.
- sceptile would toss the carvanha into the aurora beam that was meant for the grass-type.
- jolteon used quick attack in order to double kick dragonite out of the way.
- dragonite buffed the team with safeguard in order to protect them from the blizzard, but it was shattered soon after.
- alakazam used taunt upon olivia's team 1/2.
- arcanine used helping hand on jolteon 1/3.

[newclass=.starrybase]width:450px;background-color:#111111;border:1px solid #212121;padding:10px 10px 20px 10px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.starrytext b]color:#81b4ee;font:bold 11px arial[/newclass]
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[newclass=.ooc b]color:#aaa;font-family:ubuntu;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:2px;[/newclass]

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sea witch
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2019 14:40:08 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
  +4 SPD, -1 DEF, -1 SP DEF, -1 DEF, +2 ATK, +2 SP ATK
+1 SPD


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

olivia pursed her lips, the only sign of irritation on her stone cold face. he refused, and so she taught him; not as if he had been told multiple times how this challenge was to take place. yet, he mocked her still. olivia shouldn’t have been too surprised. yes, she had hoped those who would challenge her would show some kind of respect, but this child? well, he would be treated as the youth he was: disobedient, dull, and insolent.

he may have enraged her pokémon, but they were no fools. her carvanha bit into the incoming aurora beam with an ice fang, absorbing what frosty fate may have awaited him. this predator of the sea had been enraged, the inner beast awoken, and it was ready to fight. his speed was accelerating at incredible rates, and with the rain falling above, he felt empowered as he jetted towards the alakazam at alarming speeds the drizzle from above seems to wrap itself around the carvanha as he aqua jetted like a torpedo at the psychic type.

meanwhile, marill was in a rage. she launched herself forward at the dragonite, playing rough all the while. she was relentless, the fury of this fool making a mockery of her mistress... the marill had eyes full of hate. yet, the most devastating attacks were to come. olivia could only watch, hands folded over her chest, as she called out, "you, child, refused your move, clearly couldn't comprehend the challenge, and now you mock me? after i showed you how this challenge worked? you do realize, i could - and can - simply refuse you? or let you fumble and fail, leaving without a badge?" olivia's tone was as chilly as the rain that fell from above. vaporeon released a massive burst of water from her mouth, the rain being pulled into the attack to make the hydro pump strong as it shot across the field at the fire dog. more terrifying, however, was the shelless omanyte. it had been glowing with a white light since it had released its power via shell smash, and now, with fury coursing through its very being, it followed suit. or well, the vaporeon followed suit as the squid pokemon was incredibly fast due to the rain and its swift swim. a second hydro pump, once again empowered by the rain, braided itself with the first followed by a third; however, these two were glowing with the same energy that surrounded the omanyte. and so, the arcanine found three hydro pumps in a braided strike, all empowered by the rain and two glowing with powerful energy, blasting itself at the pokemon.

yet, the worst was to come. the mamoswine stomped it's massive feet on the cracked floor and the whole room began to shake. "no, oh no." olivia gasped, her blue eyes widening in horror. she feared an earthquake, the move would have brought the entire building down on top of them, but that wasn't what happened. instead, a ring of earth pulsated from underground before firing above at the jolteon - mud bomb. the goal was to trap it as the ball of mud began to form around it.

olivia let out a sigh of relief as said as the rumbling calmed itself, "you will learn something from this battle, dragon master, whether that be respect or an understanding of your pokemon only time will tell." her tone was as icy as he made her out to be.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
+ Rain Dance in effect! (2/5, all water type moves 50% stronger, Swift Swim doubles speed of omanyte)
+ Carvanha's Speed Boost is in effect! (he's fast. very very fast.)
+ Carvanha used Ice Fang to absorb the Aurora Beam!
+ Carvanha used Aqua Jet! (priority +1, 50% stronger rain dance, STAB 50% stronger)
+ Marill used Play Rough! (STAB 50% stronger)
+ Vapreon used Hydro Pump! (STAB 50% stronger, 50% stronger due to rain)
+ Omanyte's Swift Swim is in effect due to the rain! (he's FAST. really really fast.)
+ Omanyte used Hydro Pump x2! (STAB 50% stronger, 50% stronger due to rain, empowered due to Shell Smash)
+ Mamoswine used Mud Bomb! (in an attempt to trap the jolteon and/or harm it)

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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2019 21:20:40 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]had he made her highness angry?

that wasn't much of a very poise response. mateo didn't mind being turned from her gym, mateo didn't mind being ridiculed for his character. she's right, he did need to learn to respect his elders a little more. but the one thing that no one should dare question him on is the synergy between he and his team--his family. especially with the gruesome training he puts them through, each and everyday.

especially between sceptile and dragonite. their unison, love, and teamwork was unmatched compared to a plusle and minun.

olivia, having recently been appointed gym leader, still had a lot to learn herself. a rule that should be taken in by all gym leaders really. you should never underestimate the capability of your challengers. little did she know, she would come to learn something herself: that there are those out there who have the ability to surpass even a gym leaders expectations. remembering his time as a gym leader himself, sure did surpass his expectations and made mateo realize something: growth doesn't stop once you've achieved something.

so, he did learn something from , he learned that the leaders of hoenn needed to be reprimanded--hard.

removing his trench coat and tossing it to the side, his body became even more soaked from the dark clouds above that poured rain atop of them. he'd now adorn nothing more than a stomach brace. slamming a fist into the metallic item, mateo, shouting, said, "look lady, it's not my fault your gym rules make no sense; they're stupid and overly complex! if you haven't realized yet, i'm not the brightest crayon in the box, but don't look down on my color!" baring his fang, he'd give his order, "dragonite, sever yourself!" with a determined look. he'd tell the dragon to split himself from the group, he trusted dragonite's capability and speed. he's fought sceptile enough during training after all, marill's speed was nothing compared to the grass shinobi.

dragonite began to lead marill into following him. performing DRAGON DANCE all while toying with marill as he'd enhance his external and internal abilities. he'd quickly, with precision, speed, and grace, shuffle about as if playing tag with the water-type--all while honing his power and speed sharply. moving to the side and remaining upon ground, doing this would only want to make the marill hit him even more due to taunt. it's focus should only, from at this point on, be dragonite due to being enraged as the dragon frolicked.

you wanted to play rough, right? come hither you blue rat.

next up were the other four. as dragonite was off toying with the rough and angrily playful marill, now came the quad assault. considering sceptile had yet to move away from alakazam, he foresaw the carvanha, ahead of time, which allowed him to prepare a fixed position. the carvanha, attempting to assault his comrade, jetted with great speed. alas, sceptile countered with a LEAF STORM expelled from the palm of its paws that was charged ahead of time. clashing with the carvanha's aqua jet, the leaf storm held the pokemon back.

"arcanine, HELPING HAND on alakazam; alakazam, BARRIER on!" placing a hand upon the back of alakazam. it would come to be empowered by the arcanine. quickly, it would erect a barrier around the group of four who'd yet to move from their position from one another. the tri-hydro assault and the mud bomb were hurdling his way, but upon releasing the clash that had occurred between sceptile's LEAF STORM and carvanha's AQUA JET, it was broken by the erected barrier.

thus, the carvanha, who was already ahead of the assault, continued to rush forward until it ran into the barrier--attempting to breakthrough. alakazam, boosted by helping hand, held up the enhanced energy field against the carvanha. but little did the fish know that it was in the way of its taunted team's group assault. the mud bomb and linear, and singular, tri-hydro pump would come crashing into the carvanha. sandwiching the carnivorous fish.

"on my command, jolteon: use THUNDER." and without hesitation, he'd add-in, "arcanine, follow up with MIMIC!" ordering the fire mutt to, also, use THUNDER. due to the rainy, dark clouds above, the power of thunder would surely greet the trio down below: MAMOSWINE, OMANYTE, and VAPOREON. a second thunder, then, followed up and came crashing down below.

"you're gonna learn soon enough that our synergy is just like dragon energy, your royal highness! i trust in my men!" pounding his chest and confidently grinning. it was as if he were telling her, through expression, 'kiss my royal butt, olivia'.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
- helping hand on jolteon 2/3.
- dragonite used dragon dance.
- sceptile used leaf storm.
- arcanine used helping hand on alakazam.
- alakazam used barrier, helping hand on alakazam 1/3.
- jolteon used thunder.
- arcanine used mimic: thunder.

[newclass=.starrybase]width:450px;background-color:#111111;border:1px solid #212121;padding:10px 10px 20px 10px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.ooc b]color:#aaa;font-family:ubuntu;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:2px;[/newclass]
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2019 20:03:39 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
(will make pretty later )

“they are indeed the rules of my gym, and i have made them as so to give guidance and strategy to those,” olivia pauses, looking Mateo over with her blue eyes before continuing,”in need.” even as her carvanha took the assault of the triple hydro pump, and it’s body went smashing into the barrier with incredible force, she noted calmly, “for if one knows the rules of the game it is really, quite easy to win.”

in a flash of thunder and blinding light olivia’s voice was lost, and the very ground quaked from the attacks. “for if even the trainer is incapacitated or unable to relay orders...” the vaporeon and and omanyte had simply scurried underneath the massive body of the mamoswine who absorbed the two lightning bolts. “they can act accordingly.” olivia commented before the - supercharged double beamed hydropump shot out from underneath the mamomswine. the move was not only empowered by the rain but the radiant energy of the fossil pokémon who had smashed its shell as well... in addition to a wall of glowing rocks suddenly speeding across the field in an attempt to block the dancing dragon - swift swim and shell smash giving the squid an unnatural speed.

meanwhile, her carvanha had crashed into the barrier: the momentum from its own aqua jet and the previous three hydro pumps forcing an overwhelming attack on the shield, and unfortunately, the shark pokémon fainted. “and at times we know best when to let a pawn fall.” olivia noted as she recalled the fish into its pokeball with a beam of red light. the double empowered hydro pump should have its best chance now that the barrier had been weakened.

suddenly another massive mud bomb found its way hurtling towards the jolteon, the sticky mud made to entrap it should the ball find its target. marill still chased the dragon but with her HUGE POWER and the rain, she started a ROLLOUT as she barreled towards the Dragonite on the slippery wet floor.

+ Mamoswine stepped over Vaporeon&Omanyte to absorb both Thunder attacks!
+ Vaporeon used Hydro Pump! (STAB 50% boost, Rain 50% boost)
+ Omanyte used Hydro Pump! (STAB 50% boost, Rain 50% boost)
+ Omanyte used Rock Slide! (STAB 50% boost, he’s REALLY fast)
- Carvanha fainted!
+ Mamoswine used Mud Bomb! (STAB 50% boost)
+ Marill used Rollout!
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2019 0:24:37 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]damn that mamoswine. mateo wasn't familiar with the type of every pokemon, so to learn of this set him aback. but it was also kinda fun. he was angry at first but, little did he know, those bared fangs of animosity became one of joy. something unexpected happen--a new obstacle he had to overcome. he didn't want to admit it, but olivia had the power of a gym leader that's for sure.

her game was stupid to the dragon master, but, somehow, he was somewhat playing it. he didn't get the rules, but his pokemon stayed united--like the game expected them to be. he wasn't much of a chess man and this game felt a bit convoluted, but he was having fun--as much as he hated to admit it.

"i admit that was unexpected." he uttered, but mateo wasn't down for the count just yet. progress was being made, but this group had their own annoyances. their speed and power were boosted tremendously, she really planned to give everyone a run for their money here. the barrier was down.

"arcanine, MIMIC: HYDRO PUMP!" mimicking the omanyte/vaporeon, arcanine would expel a torrent of water himself--powered by the rain. it would clash with the vaporeon's own hydro pump. "jolteon, THUNDERSHOCK!" following up as the torrent of water was shot out. the electricity would, boosted by helping hand and thus giving it the power of a thunderbolt, surged upon arcanine's hydro pump only to, then, transfer via the connection established between the two hydro pump's clash. hurdling toward the vaporeon as the electricity rode upon its torrent of water in an attempt to electrocute the eeveelution.

as for the omanyte's hydro pump, sceptile would, once more, toss out a LEAF STORM. holding it in place with another clash. another mud bomb was hurdling their way, what was up with this mamoswine and chucking dirt? "alakazam, PSYCHIC!" snagging the MUD BOMB midair. alakazam, right after, tossed it at the ROLLING MARILL. attempting to assist dragonite a little bit from afar.

the pokemon took notice of the hurdling rocks being thrown his way. releasing its wings and taking flight, it would no longer be jumping back and dancing about. with its heightened speed, dragonite began to fly within the vicinity as the rocks chased dragonite, he would lead them to run smack dab into several pillars as he flew behind at least three to four; causing the ruined pillars to break even more than they already were as they fell from above--along with the ceiling they were upholding. should the mud bomb miss and the marill continue to give chase, it would come to be enveloped within a great dust cloud.

a roar that sounded as if he were defeated was heard within the gym. mateo, shocked, would turn to see the dust cloud. but it was too heavy, he was unable to see dragonite. he wondered if a pillar had fallen upon his partner and he was, assuming, incapacitated? for now, he had to focus on the fight. hoping it to not be true and await for the dust cloud to die down.

"team keep at it!" he commanded.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
- helping hand on jolteon 3/3.
- sceptile used leaf storm to clash with the hydro pump.
- arcanine used mimic: hydro pump to clash with vaporeon's hydro pump.
- jolteon used thundershock.
- alakazam used psychic to fling the mud bomb at marill from afar, helping hand on alakazam 2/3.
- dragonite's used his risen speed to fly and dodge the rocks via pillars. but it would seem as though the dragon had been caved in on. a large dust cloud has enveloped the dragon and the area he remains within. it is assumed he incapacitated.
- taunt is over.

[newclass=.starrybase]width:450px;background-color:#111111;border:1px solid #212121;padding:10px 10px 20px 10px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.ooc b]color:#aaa;font-family:ubuntu;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:2px;[/newclass]
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sea witch
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september 23
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2019 7:31:22 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
  +4 SPD, -1 DEF, -1 SP DEF, -1 DEF, +2 ATK, +2 SP ATK
+1 SPD


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

clarity and calmness returned to olivia's team, yet it would seem the same could not be said for the rest of the room. the pillar came crashing down along with parts of the cracked cieling, on both the dragon and water pokemon. as the dust cloud enveloped the two, olivia took note. "keep it cloudy!" she ordered, and even as her vaporeon was smacked with the hydropump combo and the crackling electricty that came with it, olivia couldn't keep the begginings of a smirk off her face. the water attack healed whatever damage the thundershock would have caused due to water absorb. the vapreon opened its mouth and thick black fog began to fill the arena, as olivia called out, "knowledge is power, young mateo, and you may want to learn more on the abilities of those you intend to fight."

olivia was relentless in her attacks now, however. "burst blast." she uttered, and the squid pokemon let forth a rain bolstered hydropump at the alakazam... and discreetly tapped the ground with one of its many tentacles. with its enhanced speed and power, the hydropump was traveling at indredible speeds as was the rock slide that came from the left, a wall of spiked white walls hurtling towards the arcanine. she turned towards the massive mammoth pokemon and barked, "follow suit!" and the mamoswine lifted its front legs and then slammed them down on the floor. a ball of pure ancient energy was launched at the arcanine.

with the battlefield a mess of rock and ruins, it'd be easy enough to forget what happened to cause the now difficult to see field possible in the first place; but deep within the cloud of dust, pillars larger than olivia's mamoswine had fallen on the two battling pokemon. what was to be said of them? olivia couldn't see, nor would mateo be able to with the haze sprawling across the room, but the small round blue ball of RAGE had wrapped itself in rings of glowing water: healing herself and protecting her from the brunt of the structural damage.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
+ Rain Dance in effect! (4/5, all water type moves 50% stronger, Swift Swim doubles speed of omanyte)
+ Vaporeon hit by Hydro Pump + Thundershock!
+ Vapreon healed by Hydro Pump! (Water Absorb ability)
+ Vapreon used Haze! (the battlefield is now difficult to see)
+ Omanyte's Swift Swim is in effect due to the rain! (he's FAST. really really fast.)
+ Omanyte used Hydro Pump! (STAB 50% stronger, 50% stronger due to rain, empowered due to Shell Smash)
+ Omanyte used Rock Slide! (STAB 50% stronger, 50% stronger due to rain, empowered due to Shell Smash)
+ Mamoswine used Ancient Power!
+ Ancient Power, if 10 or under, Mamoswine will be BOOSTED. 4SYIuYll
+ Marill used Aqua Ring! (STAB 50% stronger, 50% stronger due to rain, healed and protecting from the falling pillars!)

[googlefont=Open Sans:800]
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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2019 12:46:15 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]a clicked tongue.

she was a real nuisance. at this point he'd need more than just raw power. all he could think about was how much of an annoyance this was. he hated chess. he hated strategy. he couldn't cut loose under these circumstances, and then he had to worry about dragonite. it was a game of tug-o-war with her. mateo thought hard about the past--about what he lacked.

when you lose one battle, you learn, improve, and apply. if there's one thing had him beat in terms of raw power was the ability to think upon quick feet. mateo only knew how to break and rage, it made him wonder sometimes how he even became a dragon master. he was still far from the level his father was on. he had much growth to do, yet...why did he have a smile on his face?

this was so much fun, that's why.

he wasn't here for just a symbol shiny button. he was here to fight a challenging battle. if it were easy, it wouldn't be fun. so he had to enjoy this. he couldn't fret nor allow himself to falter. he had trust in his team--in his pokemon. he could feel them fighting hard in spirit, mind, and soul. when they were hurt, he was hurt. when he cried, they cried. when they felt weak, he felt weak. he had faith in dragonite to think for himself. he needn't worry, because right now? those in front of him were doing their best.

mateo needed to do more.

a widened grin remained upon his face. it was time to level up and act like a proper master--a proper trainer. "i'm learning alright..." a haze infected their sight. "DISABLE! QUICK GUARD!" with the dismantle of haze, alakazam dispersed the black fog. as anicent power, rock slide, and hydro pump were hurdled his way. sceptile took to the front, utilizing QUICK GUARD. creating a protective crimson shield crafted out of pure energy.

it was their turn to retaliate. "respond with LEAF STORM, THUNDER, FLAMETHROWER!" their barrier down. a leaf storm was sent toward the vaporeon, followed by a flamethrower being thrown toward mamoswine. a powerful electrical surge from above would attempt to come crashing down upon the buff omanyte.

emerging from within the dust cloud was a bright light sparking. it was a spew of electricity. toward the blue ball of rage electricity had been shot at it. where did it come from? dragonite whom stood atop of a pile of rocks after having dug himself out. it was due to the ability MULTISCALE that dragonite came out unscathed physically, but mildly annoyed greatly. he'd release a THUNDER WAVE toward the marill, furrowed brows showing his displeasure for the little blue rat.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]

[newclass=.starrybase]width:450px;background-color:#111111;border:1px solid #212121;padding:10px 10px 20px 10px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.ooc b]color:#aaa;font-family:ubuntu;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:2px;[/newclass]

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
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175 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2019 18:43:28 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
  +4 SPD, -1 DEF, -1 SP DEF, -1 DEF, +2 ATK, +2 SP ATK
+1 SPD


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

”protect and cover.” olivia ordered swiftly, and her pokémon obeyed. her quickened omanyte was first to act, a force field of energy surrounding him that absorbed the cackling electricity from above; yet he also created a wall of high rocks that separated the field in two: the towering wall ran straight through the small pool of water and on one side was olivia and her team - along with the dragon pokemon. the rest of mateo’s team on the other side.

her voice rang out as she called, ”strategy is about more than how one moves and uses attacks, but also using the field of battle to one’s advantage.” with the wall in place, it easily blocked the pitiful fire attack as the rain still fell upon them, weakening it. the leaf storm, however, did leave some damage. it looked as if the wall might tumble after another direct attack. olivia wasn’t planning on allowing that. she said cooly, ”decimate the dragon.”

and so it would be done. the mamoswine has been empowered by calling upon the ancient power of the ruins, and did so once more. a ball of pure ancient energy flew through the air at the dragon along with a beam of rainbow light that froze nearby water droplets, courtesy of the vaporeon who still hid under her massive ally. meanwhile, the marill found herself stuck between a dragon and a hard place. the little zap had slowed her and she was losing feeling in her limbs; yet, with the rings of healing water spinning around her and lending her strength, she made a final little wiggle of her bobbing tail.

above, the clouds darkened and the rain would continue.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
+ Rain Dance in effect! (5/5, all water type moves 50% stronger, Swift Swim doubles speed of omanyte)
+ Vapreon used Aurora Beam!
+ Omanyte's Swift Swim is in effect due to the rain! (he's FAST. really really fast.)
+ Omanyte used Protect!
+ Omanyte used Rock Slide to create a wall! (STAB 50% stronger, empowered due to Shell Smash)
+ BOOSTED Mamoswine used Ancient Power!
+ Ancient Power, if 10 or under, Mamoswine will be BOOSTED. B_V8fyvE
+ Marill used Rain Dance! (1/5)

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dragon king
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2019 1:37:31 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
i'll challenge you even if it's unfair

[attr="class","starrytext"]it took all but a single spark to know that dragonite was okay. mateo's attention was almost tugged away toward the flashing light, but he stood focused. it wasn't until a wall of rocks parted them. sceptile knew who they were going for--his partner. and that's when sudden burst of adrenaline settled, sceptile uttering his name as he turned toward mateo.

it was almost as if he said, 'i'm taking control.'

mateo, with a surprised expression, nodded with a grin. "yeah!" sceptile gave the order, alakazam followed. as they were all distracted at harming dragonite. dragonite, though barely, heard sceptile's shout. and so he'd quickly stand his ground. the dragon would come to place up a second layer, SAFEGUARD, to protect his body. aided, also, by MULTISCALE, he'd be able to withstand the aurora beam and ancient power. but this was only a ONE TIME maneuver, for he wouldn't be able to do something so boldly again. his body would come to crackle. indicating that MULTISCALE was no longer in effect and his body was severely placed within a weakened state. but that was all he needed to do for his allies to TELEPORT behind the trio; where, only two of them, seemed to be focused on dragonite.

the OMANYTE was first. with the group now behind and several meters away, yet close by, arcanine used ROAR directed toward the squid pokemon. though, had it dared, it could use the mamoswine as a shield, but that would cause the mamoswine to be forcefully returned to its ball and extracted from the field. either way, there was no escape from arcanine's powerful war cry.

next up was MAMOSWINE. without hesitation sceptile, extending the palm of his hands, released a linear ray of green energy. had it connected with the giant pokemon's backside, it would come to fall pray to MEGA DRAIN. should the vaporeon attempt to counter, jolteon would maneuver with a THUNDERSHOCK. attempting to electrocute the water-type fellow eeveelution underneath mamoswine.

once the rock slide subsided, mateo would be able to see the current standing of what had been occurring. for now, he'd take note of dragonite's severely weakened state. which meant that multiscale was down and he was surely on his last leg. but what of the others? what would the outcome of this match be?

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]

[newclass=.starrybase]width:450px;background-color:#111111;border:1px solid #212121;padding:10px 10px 20px 10px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.starrytext]margin:5px 10px 0px 0px;color:#efefef;text-align:justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:10px;padding:20px;line-height:12.5px;color:#d7d7d7;[/newclass]
[newclass=.starrytext b]color:#dea02c;font:bold 11px arial[/newclass]
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[newclass=.ooc b]color:#aaa;font-family:ubuntu;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:2px;[/newclass]

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
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175 height
175 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
battle of lore [g]
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2019 22:37:17 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar
  +4 SPD, -1 DEF, -1 SP DEF, -1 DEF, +2 ATK, +2 SP ATK
+1 SPD


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

olivia smiled. he was learning. the teleport admittedly took her by surprise, yet she had an idea. "crafty, well done!" she shouted before yelling at her empowered omanyte, "concave!". the pokemon was quicker than the dog, and with a motion of his tentacle on the ground, created a concave amphitheater facing towards the arcanine: causing rocks to burst forth and cause the roar to echo back from to its source, the fire mutt.

her other pokemon did not need such direct orders. meara simply melted into the water that was pooling around them all as the downpour from above continued, easily dodging her fellow eeveevolution's attack. mamoswine, on the other hand, braced himself for the draining rays as they latched onto his body. he then, with his bolsterd strength and speed, released a point blank blizzard of snow and ice at those that surrounded him. it began to freeze the droplets in the air, and the same chilly energy was creeping off his body and up the mega drain's own ribbons of energy.

marill could only watch as her body refused to move, the rage growing inside her. at least the ugly orange flying thing was hurting, she thought to herself as the rings of water continued to spin about her, healing her injuries. a tingle in her toes gave the blue ball some hope.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
+ Rain Dance in effect! (2/5, all water type moves 50% stronger, Swift Swim doubles speed of omanyte)
+ Vaporeon used Acid Armor to melt into the water!
+ Omanyte's Swift Swim is in effect due to the rain! (he's FAST. really really fast.)
+ Omanyte used Rock Slide x2 to create an amphitheatre to ECHO the sound back! (STAB 50% stronger, empowered due to Shell Smash)
+ BOOSTED Mamoswine used Blizzard! (STAB 50% stronger, affects all nearby enemies, BOOSTED from Anciet Power!)
+ Marill is salty! (Aqua Ring in effect!)

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing